by Jeffrey
As I'm sure many of the Star Wars fans over 30 know, George Lucas went back to modify the original Star Wars trilogy in the mid 90's (and the changes haven't stopped coming). For the most part, the changes have been viewed as unnecessary, and in some cases just down right weird.
Here's a list of 5 distinct changes, big and small, starting with the most obvious and controversial.
1. Han Shot First (Well, he used to...)
This one doesn't need much introduction. George Lucas claimed he wanted to make this change because he didn't want Han to come off as a cold blooded killer. But, I mean, it's pretty clear it was self defense regardless of who got to shoot first. The altering of his head movement gets more questionable with every subsequent edit too.
2. They changed the sound Obi-Wan made to scare off the Tusken Raiders multiple times
A lot of people would say this was totally unnecessary, but personally I'm a fan of the sound they added in 2016.
3. An originally cut scene, with Jabba and Han
Nothing quite says respect for the originally trilogy like a horribly rendered Jabba made in the mid 90's. The part where he steps on his tail is the cherry on top.
4. Ewoks blink now
I wanted to add this one to see the other side of things. Sarcasm aside, I actually kind of like this change. It doesn't look at all out of place if you aren't looking for it, and it makes them look a littleless like a doll.
5. Sy Snootles Performance
Okay. So let's get this straight. The original is still weird. But it's acceptable, it's nostalgic. It's of its time. Let's take a peek at the original:
It's a fun song, the Sy Snootles puppet is actually pretty cool! Now for the version they added in 97...
I remember sitting in the theater, at 7 years old (having already seen this movie SO MANY times), and I still thought to myself "....What is this...". The CGI lips coming towards the screen... The song is also titled "Jedi Rocks" for some reason. I'm not going to spend any time trying to make sense of this one.
Now, this is only 5 of up to around 100 changes, if not more. A lot are to retcon changes made in future movies and series. A lot were just because George Lucas wanted to.
Comment below to share your thoughts on other changes you didn't like, or changes you felt actually added to these movies.