February 07, 2025

by Jeffrey Miller

Growing up in the 90s was a truly wonderous time. Games and movies felt different than they do today. There was so much less media to consume, and what you did consume was GOOD. Super Mario World has always been a big standout for me. It was a great way for me and my older sister to connect, and an adventure I could explore on my own.

Still being an avid gamer at 33 I was so happy to see that a developer using cutting edge tech was not only just doing "Mario in 3d", but ACTUALLY doing it justice.

In this video he goes through the initial design process of recreating the first two levels and the world map of Yoshi's Island in unreal Engine 5, one of the most accessible and powerful 'free' game engines around. Translating the look and feel of a beloved 2d game into modern game engines has been somewhat of a trend for a while now (especially with recent versions of Unreal Engine). But few have ever succeeded in capturing the heart of the original. This is where Bobby Ivar is different. And he guides you through it in a fun and humorous way.

The shift from 2d to 3d comes with its own set of challenges, and in this video he covers his thought process of overcoming these challenges. Simple problems like "Where does Banzai Bill spawn from in 3d?", or how to stay faithful while making the gameplay fair and fun, are covered.

One of the scenes I was so excited to see was his recreation of the cave atmosphere and the artistic liberties he took in redesigning something so iconic. The flock of flying blocks in the background was a great touch. 

It's kind of a long video, nearly 20 minutes. But if you grew up playing games like this, it's a MUST see.

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